Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Real life Genetics

Question #1: The assumptions that you have to make about the inheritance of alleles is that, a recessive allele would have two pairs that are identical, while a dominant would have pairs that are different. Using the test-cross would make it easier to determine the genotype and the phenotype of a dominant and recessive allele.

Question #2: I would determine the genotype of an agouti cat if both of the alleles are dominant or capital A's.

Question #6: No, beacause since both of the alleles are dominant, it is unlikely that only one gene determines the degree of spottings. Also, because there are two alleles that are the same the progeny might not be white because they might get part of an allele from each parent, where they get different fur color. Lastely, spottings are completly random on white cats.

1 comment:

  1. Sahadja, don't forget to finish the rest of the activities.
